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1 5602 分享 来源:必克英语 2014-05-22

From VOA Learning English, this is the Agriculture Report.

China has rejected more than one million metric tons of United States corn since last November. The Chinese Government says it is not accepting shipments that include Agrisure Viptera made by the seed company Syngenta. China says it has not approved importing this genetically-modified kind of corn seed.
自去年十一月起,中国已经拒绝超过100万吨美国玉米入境。中国政府称不会接受包含先正达种子公司Agrisure Vipter品种转基因玉米的货物。中国表示,该国从未批准这种转基因玉米种子的进口。

A GMO food has had gens from other plants or animals added to its natural genetic content. America's National Grain and Feed Association says the rejection is costly. It says the Chinese action is responsible for almost $3 billion in losses to the U.S. agricultural industry.

Wendell Schauman is a farmer in the central state of Illinois. He also is a past leader of the U.S. Grains Council. He has traveled to China to represent American farmers.
温德尔•绍曼(Wendell Schauman)是美国中部的伊利诺伊州的一位农民。他也是美国谷物协会的前任负责人。他曾代表美国农民到过中国。

"We're the largest corn producer in the world. We're the best supply. We have the best infrastructure to deliver that," said Schauman.

Mr. Schauman says demand for American corn used to feed animals is up throughout the world, except in China. But that country has a very large market for it.

"We went from just minimal sales over there to rather significant ones over two or three years, and, now, just this year, it's dropped back to almost nothing," said Schauman.

Mr. Schauman says the genetically-modified seeds rejected by China are similar to other GMOs in that they have valuable qualities.

"They're effective. They help us produce a better quality crop." said Schauman.

He says some GMOs increase the size and quality of harvest at a lower cost to farmers. And he says some help the environment because they limit the kinds of pesticides control needed.

Mr. Schauman says he believes Chinese rejection may not result from the product itself.

"They haven't approved it, so they won't accept it. Basically, they know there's nothing wrong with it," said Schauman.

Craig Turner is a contributing editor for the online publication GrainAnalyst.com. He says when China really needed corn in the past, it will take any kind of corn.
克莱格•特纳(Craig Turner)是谷物分析网( GrainAnalyst.com)的特约编辑。他说,在过去中国确实对玉米有需求,他们就会接受任何种类的玉米。

Mr. Turner also says corn prices dropped when news first spread of the Chinese rejection. He says corn was trading at about $4.20 a bushel at that time. People feared prices would fall below $4 a bushel.

Chinese restrictions continue, but corn prices have since gone up again. Still Wendell Schauman says the situation has led to general mistrust of farmers who use the genetically-modified crop and grain companies that accept it.

And that's the VOA Learning English Agriculture Report. I'm Caty Weaver.
以上就是本期美国之音慢速英语农业报道的全部内容。我是卡蒂•韦弗(Caty Weaver)。

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