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1 4722 分享 来源:必克英语 2014-06-03

BBC News with Neil Nunes.

尼尔·努涅斯[Neil Nunes]为您播报BBC新闻。

The White House has voiced its concerns that pro-Russian militants in eastern Ukraine are using advanced weapons in the conflict. The comments followed the shooting down earlier on Thursday of a Ukrainian military helicopter brought down near the town of Slaviansk by a Russian made anti-aircraft missile killing 12 soldiers. Mark Lowen has this report.

白宫已经对乌克兰东部的亲俄罗斯武装分子在冲突中使用先进的武器表示担忧。星期四的早些时候,一枚俄罗斯制造的防空导弹在斯拉维扬斯克击落了乌克兰一架军用的直升机,导致了12名士兵死亡。马克·劳文[Mark Lowen]报道。

“This is a significant loss of live for the Ukrainian military and a major blow as Kiev pursues what it calls its anti-terror operation here. The helicopter was shot down by rebel fighters as it transported troops to a military base around the town of Slaviansk. There was also an admission today by one of the leaders of the South style Donetsk People's Republic, Ukraine's breakaway eastern region that some of his fighters who died in a battle at Donetsk airport earlier in the week were Russian, fueling accusations that Moscow is playing a larger part in the conflict than it says.”


Turkey's highest court has ruled that restrictions imposed on access to YouTube be lifted. A judgment that is likely to be seen as a setback for the Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan. He advocated banning the video sharing website. James Reynolds is in Istanbul.

土耳其的最高法院已经判定取消禁止登陆YouTube的禁令。该判定对提倡禁止这个视频共享网站的总理埃尔多安[Recep Tayyip Erdogan]来说,可能被看作是一次挫败。詹姆斯·雷诺兹[James Reynolds]伊斯坦布尔报道。

“Turkey's constitutional court has ruled that the ban on YouTube violates the right to freedom of expression. It ordered the site to be unblocked. The court's decision will now be sent to the government. The authorities here first blocked YouTube in late March in order to prevent internet users from listening to secret recordings which claimed to show senior Turkish government officials discussing their options in neighboring Syria.


Christian youths in the Central African Republic have barricaded streets with burning tires and attacked a Mosque in protest at a Wednesday's assault by gunmen on a church. More than 10 people died in the attack on the church in a Muslim neighborhood of the capital Bangui. Our West Africa correspondent is Thomas Fessy.

中非共和国的基督徒青年用燃烧的轮胎在街上设置路障,并袭击了一座清真寺,为抗议星期三武装分子袭击教堂一事。在首都班基一个穆斯林社区的这座教堂里,超过10人在该次袭击中丧生。西非记者托马斯·费西[Thomas Fessy]报道。

“The attack on the church compound, home to thousands of displaced people, triggered further violence in the capital city. At least one Muslim woman was killed when she ventured out of the only Muslim neighborhood left in Bangui. She was reportedly beheaded. The last tenure mosque outside this area was burned down by angry Christian mobs seeking revenge. Hundreds of youths erected barricades and blocked major streets forcing people to stay in home.”


The Vatican has announced that the Israeli and Palestinian presidents Shimon Peres and Mahmoud Abbas will join Pope Francis to say prayers for peace on Sunday, June 8. The Pope invited both leaders to visit his home to pray for an end to the conflict between their peoples during his recent trip to the Middle East. Pope Francis has said the Vatican isn't seeking to get involved in peace negotiations between the two sides.

梵蒂冈已经宣布以色列和巴勒斯坦总统希蒙·佩雷斯[Shimon Peres]和马哈茂德·阿巴斯[Mahmoud Abbas]将于6月8日,星期日与教皇弗朗西斯[Francis]一起为和平祈祷。教皇在他近来访问中东的期间内邀请两位领导人访问梵蒂冈,邀请他们来为结束两个民族的冲突而祈祷。教皇弗朗西斯[Francis]称梵蒂冈不准备参与双方的和平协商。

World News from the BBC.


The African Union has begun a major campaign to end child marriage in Africa. Experts say underage marriage cut short the childhood of all the 17 million girls or one in three across the continent. Here's Richard Hamilton.

非盟已经开始一场在非洲终结童婚的大规模运动。专家称童婚使得整个非洲所有1700万女孩的童年的缩短。理查德·汉密尔顿[Richard Hamilton]报道。

“Activists say child marriage jeopardizes girls' rights, such as access to education, because new brides are forced to drop out of school to their children and provide household labour. There are significant health risks if very young girls get pregnant. Young brides also often live as virtual prisoners with few social connections hardly any power in their new homes and frequently suffer domestic violence. The country with the highest percentage of underage marriage is Niger.”


Extracts from sensitive communications between British and US leaders in the runup of the Iraq War will be made public in Britain but the full versions will remain secret. The Chilcot Inquiry into the origins of the conflict heard from its last witness more than 3 years ago, but its conclusions have been delayed as Norman Smith reports.

英国和美国的领导人们之间在伊拉克战争前夕的敏感通讯内容摘录将在英国公布,但是完整的版本仍将保密。调查这场冲突起源的齐尔考特调查小组3年多前从最后一名目击者得到消息,但是其结论要推迟公布。诺曼·史密斯[Norman Smith]报道。

“Although a deal is not being struck between the Chilcot Inquiry and the government, it's likely to prove hugely controversial. Under the deal, the full Blair letters will not be published, instead only what described as list of the content will be released. Direct quotations from the letters will also be kept to a minimum. President Bush's responses will not be included and still no timetable for publication.”


The US car maker Ford has announced that it is recalling almost 1.4 million vehicles because of potential defects. More than a million sports utility vehicles or SUVs are being returned over a possible loss of power steering. In addition, nearly 300,000 cars are being recalled, because their floor mats could interfere with the operation of the accelerator.


BBC World News.


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