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1 4568 分享 来源:必克英语 2014-08-14


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The U.S. and its allies are discussing ways to rescue thousands of Iraqi civilians trapped on a mountaintop in northern Iraq. They are mostly members of religious minorities. They are fleeing attacks by Islamic State militants.

Ben Rhodes is a national security adviser for President Barack Obama. He said the president would decide within days whether to send American military troops to help. He said the administration does not believe American troops will return to a combat role in Iraq.
本•罗兹(Ben Rhodes)是奥巴马总统的国家安全顾问。他说,总统将在几天内决定是否派遣美国军队提供帮助。他说,政府不相信美国军队将恢复伊拉克的战斗角色。

Earlier Tuesday, the U.S. deployed more than a hundred military advisers to northern Iraq to help find ways to help the trapped civilians. They include members of the Yazidi and Christian minority groups.

France said it is sending weapons to Kurdish forces in Iraq to help them fight Islamic State militants who have taken control of the area. The French government said the weapons would be sent within hours.

British Prime Minister David Cameron said an international plan is being developed to rescue the refugees.

Russian Trucks Head to Ukraine

Almost 300 trucks left Moscow Tuesday loaded with aid for civilians in Russian-speaking eastern Ukraine. Ukraine and Russia reportedly reached an agreement to permit the trucks to enter Kharkiv province.

But on Wednesday, Ukraine's Interior Minister Arsen Avakov called the transport a provocation. He said the trucks would not be permitted to enter Ukraine.
但在周三,乌克兰内政部长阿尔森•阿瓦科夫(Arsen Avakov)称这次运输是一种挑衅,并表示不会允许这些卡车进入乌克兰。

A spokesman for Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko warned that the country faced the possibility of, in his words, a "direct invasion of the Ukrainian territory under the pretense of humanitarian cargo delivery."

Rockets Land in Israel

At least two rockets fired from the Gaza Strip landed inside southern Israel late Wednesday. The attack came moments before Palestinian negotiators said they had agreed to extend a cease-fire with Israel for five days. Hamas militants denied firing the rockets. Israel says no damage resulted.

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