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1 4668 分享 来源:必克英语 2014-08-29




BBC News with Joe Macintosh

乔·麦金塔[Joe Macintosh]为您播报BBC新闻。

The Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has dissolved parliament and called a snap election as his forces continue to fight pro-Russian separatists in the east of the country. Mr.Poroshenko said a new parliament was necessary in part to remove members who are blocking reform.Elections will be held on the 26th October.The Ukrainian government said earlier on Monday that its forces had clashed with a column of tanks and armoured vehicles that crossed into the rebel held east from Russia.David Stern reports from Kiev.

乌克兰总统佩特罗·波罗申科[Petro Poroshenko]已经解散了议会,并呼吁提前进行选举,同时他的军队在该国的东部继续与亲俄罗斯分裂分子作战。波罗申科[Poroshenko]先生说有必要建立新的议会来去除掉阻挠改革的议员,选举将于10月26日举行。乌克兰政府在星期一早些时候称其部队与一批坦克和装甲车发生冲突,这些车辆从俄罗斯进入叛军控制的东部地区。大卫·斯特恩[David Stern]基辅报道。

Mr. Poroshenko's announcement was expected. In July, parliament re-coalition fell apart, requiring the President call new elections i)f a new coalition could not be formed. However, new elections do hold some risks for Mr. Poroshenko. If he is unable to end the fighting in eastern Ukraine before the October vote, he risks a voter backlash, angers also rising among Ukrainians of the government's inability to introduce reforms and tackle corruption which were key demands of the country's revolution.


The leaders of the campaign for and against Scottish independence have held a final televised debate before a referendum on the issue next month. Debate is seen as a key event of the campaign. Recent polls show the anti-independence group in the lead, in his opening statement, Alistair Darling, the leader of the “no campaign” set out why he opposed independence.

就在下月进行公投之前,支持和反对苏格兰独立的领导人们举行了最后一次电视辩论。这次辩论被视为一次关键的活动,最近投票显示反对独立的团体遥遥领先,“No Campaign”运动领导人阿利斯泰尔·达林[Alistair Darling]在公开声明中解释了为什么反对独立。

“The United Kingdom is about sharing risks and rewards with our neighbors. Being part of something bigger gives us opportunity and security as well as our Scottish identity and decision making. This is the decision for which there is no turning back, but our children and generations follow will have to live with that decision. ”


Alex Salmond, Scotland's first Minister who is leading with call independence, set out why he believed in “yes” vote. “We are a rich nation and resourceful people. We can create a prosperous nation and a fairer society, a real vision for the people of Scotland. This is our time, it's our moment, let us do it now.”

支持独立的苏格兰第一部长亚历克斯·萨尔蒙德[Alex Salmond]解释了为什么支持独立,“我们国家富裕,人民足智多谋。我们能创造一个繁荣的国家,一个更公平的社会,为我们苏格兰人民创造真实的愿景。这是我们的时刻,让我们现在来实现吧!”

Cameroon says nearly 500 Nigerian soldiers have fled across the border to escape fighting with Islamist militants from Boko Haram in northeastern Nigeria. Cameroon's army said the Nigerian troops deserted after clashes in the town of Banki and have been disarmed since arriving in Cameroon. Tomi Oladipo reports from Lagos.

喀麦隆称近500名尼日利亚士兵越过边境,逃避与尼日利亚东北部博科圣地伊斯兰武装分子的战斗。喀麦隆军方称尼日利亚部队在Banki发生冲突后就逃跑了,抵达喀麦隆后就解除了武装。托米·奥拉迪波[Tomi Oladipo]拉各斯报道。

We are hearing from the Cameroonian army that these men fled and came into Cameroon and obviously the Cameroonian military had to disarm them and then cop them so what we are now hearing from the Nigerian military is that this was not a group who deserted and who escaped, but rather was a tactical maneuver as they say in the statement. And these soldiers ended up charging through the borders and found themselves in Cameroonian soil. And Nigerian military now says that very soon these troops will find their way back to the Nigeria.


World news from the BBC


Two car bombs in the mainly Shia district of the Iraqi capital Baghdad have killed at least 11 people. Earlier in the day, a series of explosions in Baghdad and towns south of Iraqi capital killed dozens of people. In a worst attack at a Shia mosque in the new Baghdad area, at least 15 people were killed.


Hundreds of people have attended the funeral of Michael Brown, the unarmed black teenager who was shot dead by a white police officer in Ferguson, a suburb of St. Louis. Gospel music filled the church as speakers asked the congregation to remember Michael Brown mot with violence but with peace. His killing earlier this month sparked protests and violent riots in Ferguson. Outside the church, local people said the funeral and the story of Michael Brown had brought their community together. Many who attended the funeral said they're glad the case has brought national attention, but they still want justice and still need to see real change in the way they feel African Americans unfairly treated by the police across the country.

数百人参加了迈克尔·布朗[Michael Brown]的葬礼,这名手无寸铁的黑人少年在圣路易斯弗格森被白人警察开枪打死了。教堂里弥漫着福音音乐的旋律,演讲者请求会众铭记迈克尔·布朗[Michael Brown]是在暴力中丧生的,而不是在和平下死去的。本月早些时候他的被杀事件使得弗格森发生了抗议和暴乱。在教堂外,当地人这次葬礼和迈克尔·布朗[Michael Brown]的故事让社区团结起来。参加葬礼的很多人说他们高兴的是这起案件已经引发了全国的关注,但是他们仍希望能伸张正义,仍希望美国各地非裔美国人不公平的待遇能发生真正的改变。

The two sides in South Sudan civil war have reaffirmed their commitment to a ceasefire under pressure from east Africa leaders. A regional summit in Addis Ababa gave President Salva Kiir and his rival Riek Machar 45 days to form a transitional government of national unity. It said anyone obstructing the peace process would be excluded from pala. Eight months of fighting in South Sudan have left thousands dead and millions facing famine.

在东非领导人的施压下,南苏丹内战交战双方重申其停火决心。亚的斯亚贝巴的地区峰会给总统萨尔瓦·基尔[Salva Kiir]和对手里克·马查尔[Riek Machar]45天的时间来组建全国统一的过渡政府,该峰会称任何阻挠和平进程的人都将被排除。南苏丹8个月的战争使得数千人死亡,数百万人面临饥荒。

A United Nation official appointed to coordinate the global response to the Ebola outbreak in West Africa has described it as a war that could take another 6 months to win. Dr. David Nabarro said airlines that had stopped flying to affected countries were hampering the effort. As the risk to find an effective treatment continues, a Canadian firm says 4 monkeys injected with an experimental vaccine have survived what would have been a lethal dose of the virus.

被派去负责协调全球应对西非埃博拉事务的联合国官员称这是一场战争,需要另外6个月的时间才能赢得胜利。戴维·纳巴罗[David Nabarro]博士说飞往受灾国家的航班已经取消,这给救灾行动带来了不便。目前寻找有效疗法的风险仍存在,加拿大一家公司称,感染上致命剂量病毒的4只猴子在被注射一种实验疫苗后活了下来。

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