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1 5121 分享 来源:必克英语 2014-09-03



BBC News with David Austin.

大卫·奥斯汀[David Austin]为您播报BBC新闻。

President Obama has said Russia is responsible for the violence in eastern Ukraine. In a statement of the White House Mr Obama said the separatists there were trained, armed and funded by Russia. He said the fighting in Ukraine was not the result of a homegrown indigenous uprising but a deep Russian involvement.

奥巴马总统称俄罗斯要为乌克兰东部的暴力负责, 奥巴马在白宫声明中说,分裂分子得到俄罗斯培训、武器和资金上的支持。 他说乌克兰的战斗不是本国内部的起义,而是俄罗斯的深入涉入。

"Russia has deliberately and repeatedly violated the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine. And the new images of Russian forces inside Ukraine make that plain for the world to see. This comes as Ukrainian forces are making progress against the separatists. And as a result of the actions Russia has already taken and the major sanctions we've imposed with our European and international partners, Russia is already more isolated than at any time since the end of the Cold War."

“俄罗斯故意且多次侵犯乌克兰的主权及领土完整, 俄罗斯军队在乌克兰境内的新图像明确让全世界看到了这一点, 而此时乌克兰部队在对付分裂分子方面取得了进展。 由于俄罗斯已经采取的行动,以及我们和欧洲及国际伙伴一起采取的制裁措施, 俄罗斯做了比冷战结束后任何时候都更加严重的违犯行为。”

Earlier Nato said about 1,000 Russian soldiers were now operating in Ukraine fighting alongside the pro-Russian separatists. The United Nations Security Council also met in emergency session in New York to discuss the crisis in eastern Ukraine. The US ambassador to the UN accused Russia of lying about its role. Russia's representative to the UN Vitaly Churkin said the presence of Russian volunteers in Ukraine had never been denied, but he did not respond to the allegation that Russian soldiers were operating alongside separatists in the east. He urged the United States not to intervene.

早些时候,北约称约有1000名俄罗斯士兵和亲俄罗斯分裂分子一起在乌克兰境内行动。联合国安理会在纽约召开了紧急会议商讨乌克兰东部的危机。美国驻联合国大使指责俄罗斯欺骗了它的角色。俄罗斯常驻联合国代表维塔利·丘尔金[Vitaly Churkin]在乌克兰表示,俄罗斯志愿者在乌克兰的存在从来没有被否认,但他没有回应关于俄罗斯士兵在东部与分裂主义者并肩作战的指控。他敦促美国不要插手。

"Stop interfering in the internal affairs of a sovereign state. Stop trying to undermine a regime with your might. Restrain your geopolitical ambition."


The jihadist group Islamic State has posted a video online which appears to show the beheading of a Kurdish fighter in the Iraqi city of Mosul, which the group captured in June. Our Arab affairs editor Sebastian Usher reports.

伊斯兰国圣战组织已将视频上传到网上,这似乎表明一个库尔德战士在伊拉克城市摩苏尔被斩首,他在六月被该集团捉到。我们的阿拉伯事务编辑塞巴斯蒂安·亚瑟[Sebastian Usher]报道。

Entitled a Message in Blood, the latest video produced by the skilled propagandists of Islamic State is clearly aimed at the Kurds fighting them in northern Iraq. It parades a group of Kurdish men dressed in orange jumpsuits. Other footage shows the same men apparently being captured on the battlefield. One of the men is then shown kneeling with three masked militants behind him. The backdrop is the main mosque in Mosul, the northern Iraqi city seized by the jihadists in June. In a choreography of murder very similar to the killing of the US journalist James Foley, he is then beheaded with a knife.

标题为"血液中的消息"的最新的视频,由伊斯兰国家有技巧地宣传显然是针对在伊拉克北部的库尔德人的战斗。它游说一伙库尔德的男性穿着橙色的囚服。其他视频显示,同样的人很显然在战场上被捕获。其中一人随后展示了三个蒙面的武装分子跪在他身后。背景是摩苏尔主要的清真寺,伊拉克北部城市六月被圣战分子占领。编排的谋杀与美国记者詹姆斯·弗利[James Foley]的杀戮非常相似,他是被斩一刀。

Officials in Afghanistan have said one of the country's most important historical sites, the Jam Minaret, will collapse if it isn't repaired urgently. The 800-year-old structure, which is a Unesco World Heritage Site, stands beside a river in Ghor province, and its base was badly damaged in floods last year. The circular minaret - described byUnesco as a graceful, soaring structure - is famous for its elaborate brickwork. It's the second tallest brick minaret in the world.


World News from the BBC


The United Nations says 43 peacekeepers from its force monitoring the buffer zone between Israel and Syria in the Golan heights have been detained by militants fighting the Syrian army. A UN spokesperson said that another 81 troops were being restricted to their positions.


West African health ministers meeting in Ghana have agreed that travel restrictions should be lifted on countries affected by the deadly Ebola outbreak. The ministers were reacting to advice from the World Health Organisation. It says the restrictions create food and supply shortages and harm efforts to contain the virus. It recommends that countries affected by Ebola should conduct exit screening.


Turkey's new President, the outgoing prime minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan says he will make joining the European Union and building peace with the country's Kurdish population his priorities in office. He was speaking after being sworn in as the country's first elected head of state. This report from Mark Lowen in Ankara.

土耳其的新总统,刚卸任首相的埃尔多安[Recep Tayyip Erdogan]表示他将加入欧盟并将建设与该国家库尔德人口的和平为办公的首要任务。他在宣誓就任该国的第一位民选的国家元首后发表了讲话。马克·劳文[Mark Lowen]安卡拉报道。

It was a triumphant moment for Turkey's most powerful politician in a generation - Recep Tayyip Erdogan sworn in as the country's first elected president, a previously ceremonial post. He's vowed to change the constitution to increase his powers, but that is to come. Today the focus was on his oath of office. He swore allegiance to Turkey's sovereignty and its founding principle of secularism. But that, say his critics, is what he no longer upholds.

这是一个胜利的时刻,作为土耳其最强大的政治家的一代-埃尔多安[Recep Tayyip Erdogan]宣誓就任该国的第一位民选总统,一个古老的仪式。他发誓要修改宪法,增强自己的力量,但这有待考证。今天的焦点是他的宣誓就职。他宣誓效忠于土耳其的主权以及世俗主义的创始原则。但是,他的批评者说,他不再坚持一些原则。

People in eastern Sri Lanka have asked the government for permission to shoot monkeys because they have become a nuisance. The council leader of Kattankudi said the animals were entering houses and eating food. He said more than 70 people have been bitten by monkeys this year. One conservationist told the BBC that the monkeys would learn to hide from any guns.


Those are the latest stories from BBC News.


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