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1 5202 分享 来源:必克英语 2014-09-04


You’re Going to Be Fine ACT II


OK. 好。
Do you know how to play charades? 你们会打哑谜吗?
Frank, you've never played charades? Frank,你从来没玩过哑谜。
Nope. 没有。
Carl, you're sure you've never played? Carl 你肯定你从没玩过吗?
OK, Betty, Tim, and Frank. 好,Betty,Tim,Frank。
We're going to play charades. 我们来玩哑谜。
Frank, you can learn as we go. Frank 我们玩,你跟着学。
And, Carl, you join in at any time. 还有Carl,你随时都可以加入。
OK, let me think. 好,让我想想。
OK, I've got one. 好,我有了。
All right. 行了。
A movie! 电影!
A movie! 电影!
Right. 对。
A movie. 电影。
OK. 好。
Six words. 六个字。
It has six words. 有六个字。
That's easy. 这很容易。
I can play. 我也能玩。
Good. OK. 好的。
We've got a movie. 我们知道是一部电影。
The title ... 名字是……
Six words. 有六个字。
Right. 对。
First word ... 第一个字……
Sounds like.(听来)像……
You got that part right. 你们这一部份猜对了。
Yes. 是的。
Sounds like ...(听来)像……
Sounds like what? (听来)像什么?
Sounds like no. (听来)像 no 。
Absolutely right, Frank. 完全正确 Frank。
Sounds like no. (听来)像 no 。
OK. 好。
We've got a movie. 我们知道是一部电影。
Six words. 六个字。
The first word sounds like no. 第一个字音像no。
Row. Row. Row。 Row。
Go. Go。
Nope. 不对。
Show. Show。
That's it--show. 就是它,show。               
No ... OK ... 不是……好……
Snow. 雪。
Absolutely right, Betty. 完全正确 Betty。
Sounds like no -- snow. 音像no,Snow。
OK, a movie. Six words. 好,一部电影。六个字。
The first word is snow. 第一个字是Snow 。
This is fun. 很有意思。
Oh, OK. 噢,好了。
The fifth word. 第五个字。
Right, fifth word. 对,第五个字。
Seven? Seven?
Absolutely right. 完全正确。
Very good. 很好。
The fifth word is seven. 第五个字是seven。
OK, we've got a movie. 好,我们知道是一部电影。
The first word is snow. 第一个字是“snow”。
Fifth word, seven. 第五个字是“seven”。
I got it! 我知道了。
I got it! 我知道了。
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs〔白雪公主和七矮人〕
I got it. 我猜对了。
I got it. 我猜对了。
Frank, you got it. Frank,你猜对了。
Betty, you had it, but you didn't say it. Betty,你知道答案,但是你没有说出来。
I knew it. 我现在知道了 。
Carl, now you know charades. Carl,现在你知道什么是哑谜了。
Why don't you join us? 你何不参加入我们的游戏呢?
I don't like charades. 我不喜欢哑谜。
It's for babies. 这是给婴儿玩的。
Oh, I like it. 噢,我喜欢哑谜。
Well, they're babies. 嗯,他们都是婴儿。
You're a sore loser. 你是个输不起的家伙。
Yeah. 对。
No arguing. 别争了。
Save your voices. 留着点嗓子。
Between now and tomorrow 从现在起到明天
you're all going to have your tonsils out. 你们都要切除扁桃腺。
And you won't be able to speak for a while. 有一段时间,你们没有办法讲话。
So save your voices till then. 所以,省着点嗓子。
Hi, gang. Hi, everybody. 嗨,各位。
Well, what's going on? 噢,怎么啦?
I sure I am glad to see you, Dr. Stewart. 真高兴见到你来,Stewart大夫。
This is a rough group. 这是一群粗野的孩子。
I didn't want to play charades, 我不想玩哑谜。
so they're angry at me. 所以他们生我的气。
Why don't you want to play? 你为什么不玩?
Because I don't want to be here. 因为我不想呆在这儿。
I don't want my tonsils out. 我不想切除扁桃腺。
Why not? 为什么不想?
Because my birthday is tomorrow. 因为明天是我的生日。
My mother promised me a birthday party with a clown. 我妈妈答应给我安排一个有小丑的生日派对。
But you can have one when you go home, Carl. 但你回去以后还可以办一个呀,Carl。
But my birthday is tomorrow. 但是我的生日就在明天。
I'm sorry, Carl. 很抱歉,Carl。
Carl, you'll have your party when you go home, Carl,你回去以后就可以开个生日派对了。
But it won't be on my birthday! 但那就不是在我生日那天了!
And you promised me a surprise. 而且你答应给我一个惊喜。

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