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1 5817 分享 来源:必克英语 2014-09-12


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From VOA's Learning English, this is the Education Report.

Parents in South Australia's Aboriginal lands may lose some of their financial aid if they do not send their children to school. New rules link school attendance with payments for parents living in poverty.

Warren Mundine is Prime Minister Tony Abbott's top advisor on issues concerning Aboriginals, native Australians. He disagrees with connecting school attendance and aid. Instead, he urges the government to find ways to improve attendance without punishing parents.
沃伦•穆丁(Warren Mundine)是托尼•阿博特(Tony Abbott)在澳洲土著问题上的高级顾问。他不赞同将学校出勤率和援助联系起来。相反,他督促政府在不惩罚父母的情况下,想方设法提高出勤率。

"Now, I know governments find that punitive measures need to happen but I think they're really a last resort."

Mr. Mundine says the situation can change if tribal leaders support education.

"We need to work with parents and we need to work with communities because we are making a massive cultural change here."

But other officials say they believe the threat of stopping aid will force families to take education more seriously.

In South Australia state, only fifty percent of children stay in school after the age of fifteen. In some areas, as much as ninety percent of Aboriginal children struggle to read and write.

The state government says it has special programs for Aboriginal children. It says students work with their parents and teachers to develop a personal learning plan. The plan is re-examined each year. Local officials also say the public schools provide special workers -- called mentors -- who work individually with Aboriginal students who need extra help.

At year seven, Aboriginal students can join a program called Enter for Success. It helps students deal with the change to high school. The program is designed to improve student attendance at school. The students can choose which high school to attend. School officials say students receive support in reaching the goals on their individual learning plans.
在7年级时,原住民学生可以参加一个被称为成功融入(Enter for Success)的项目。它会帮助学生们应对高中的变化。该项目的目的是提高学生出勤率。学生们可以选择就读哪所高中。学校官员表示,学生们会获得实现他们个人学习计划的支持。

The state of Western Australia also has special programs for Aboriginal and other ethnic groups. The state operates a program called Focus Schools. The program centers on basic skills like reading, writing and numbers skills. Sixty-seven of these public Focus Schools serve students in 79 very rural areas. Most are primary schools.
西澳大利亚州也有针对原住民和其它族群的特殊项目。该州管理着一个被称为重点学校(Focus Schools)的项目。该项目聚焦于阅读、写作和数字技能等基本技能。67所这类公立重点学校服务于79个农村地区。其中多数是小学。

Some students on the secondary level study with Internet teaching programs. The state's minister for education and child development said the Focus Schools program also includes 118 coaches working with students in 134 schools. About 670,000 indigenous peoples live in Australia.

And that's the VOA Learning English Education Report. I'm Catherine Cole.
以上就是本期美国之音慢速英语教育报道的全部内容。我是凯瑟琳•科尔(Catherine Cole)。

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