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1 5344 分享 来源:必克英语 2014-10-24




BBC News with Sue Montgomery.

苏·蒙哥马利[Sue Montgomery]为您报道BBC新闻。

President Obama has told a meeting of senior International military commanders that he's deeply concerned about the continuing Islamic State offensive against the Syrian town of Kobani. He told the gathering near Washington that the campaign against IS would be long term. Senior military figures from more than 20 countries attend the talks. Here's our Washington correspondent John S.

奥巴马总统已经在国际社会的高级军事指挥官会议上表示,他为伊斯兰国对叙利亚城镇Kobani的持续进攻感到深切的担忧。他在华盛顿附近召开的会议上说道打击伊斯兰国的行动将是长期的。来自20多个国家的高级领导人参加了会谈。下面是我们的华盛顿记者(John S)报道。

When Barack Obama announced in the White House a month ago that the US was forming a coalition to attack Islamic State, all the talk was a degrading and destroying and making sure there was no safe heavens. Today a more somber assessment of how that campaign is going. Yes, there had been victories, stopping IS in Irbil, retaking a Mosul dam, the rescue of the Yazidis in Mount Sinjar. But the president singled out Anbar Province in Iraq and Kobani on the Turk-Syria border as a source of deep concern. He said there'll be days of progress and periods of setback.


The head of United Nations mission for Ebola has urged the world to act swiftly. Anthony Banbury has warned that the biggest enemy in tackling the disease is time.

联合国埃博拉应急特派团的团长已经敦促全世界迅速地采取行动。安东尼·班伯里[Anthony Banbury]已经警告称,应对疫情最大的敌人是时间。

I'm deeply, deeply worried Ebola got a head start on us. It is far ahead of us, it is running faster than us and it is winning the race. We can not let Ebola win, for if Ebola wins, we the people of United Nations lose so very much.


Mr. Banbury called for more money, protective suits, diagnostic laboratories and beds. Earlier the World Health Organization warned that the number of people becoming infected with Ebola in West Africa could reach between five and ten thousand a week by the end of the year. Four and a half thousand people have already died. In another development, the UN has warned that the Ebola outbreak is having a devastating impact on the economies of the worst-affected countries. Mark Doyle reports from Akra.

班伯里[Banbury]先生呼吁更多的资金,保护服,诊断实验室和病床。早些时候,世界卫生组织警告称在今年年底,西非每周感染埃博拉病毒的人数将多达5000至10000人。已经有4500人死于埃博拉病毒。在另外的事态发展中,联合国警告称,埃博拉疫情对受影响最严重的国家的经济造成了灾难性的影响。马克·道尔[Mark Doyle]阿克拉报道。

Fear is the main factor driving down the economies of the Ebola-hit nations. The UN says that more than half of the typically bustling markets in Liberia have closed or got smaller. Foreign technicians and engineers are scared, too. Many of them have left the region. Nine out of a dozen large mining companies in Liberia have shut down or reduced operations. A senior UN economist K. N. said farms in the worst-hit Ebola zones of Sierra Leone were also affected.

恐惧是导致埃博拉疫情泛滥,国家经济下滑的主要因素。联合国表示,利比里亚原本熙熙攘攘的市场超过一半已经关闭或是规模变小。外国的技术人员和工程师也非常害怕。许多人已经离开了该地区。利比里亚的12个大型采矿公司已经有9家关闭或缩减运营的规模。联合国的一名资深经济学家K. N.表示,受疫情影响最严重的塞拉利昂的农田也受到了冲击。

The US Secretary of State John Kerry has said Washington will cooperate more closely with Russia on globe security despite did divide over the conflict in Ukraine. Speaking after a meeting with Russia's Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov in Paris, Mr. Kerry said they had agreed to intensify intelligence cooperation over the Islamic State group.

美国国务约翰·克里[John Kerry]已经表示在全球的安全方面,华盛顿将和俄罗斯进行更加密切的合作。尽管两国在乌克兰的冲突方面存在着分歧。在与俄罗斯外交部长谢尔盖·拉夫罗夫[Sergei Lavrov]的巴黎会谈后,克里[Kerry]先生表示他们已经一致同意在打击伊斯兰国的激进组织方面加强情报上的合作。

World News from the BBC.


Hundreds of police in Hong Kong have moved again to try to clear pro-democracy protesters out of an underpass near the city government headquarters. Officers armed with shields fired pepper spray and scuffled with protesters. Local television showed live pictures of the operation. Dozens of the demonstrators were detained. The protesters had been occupying parts of Hong Kong for more than two weeks, demanding forthcoming elections be held democratically.


Police in the Brazilian city of Rio de Janeiro say they have broken up a large net work of illegal abortion clinics. Nearly 50 people have been arrested including doctors, police and lawyers. The raids followed the recent high profile deaths of two women who'd undergone illegal terminations. Abortions are not allowed in Brazil except in strictly defined circumstances.


Britain's most prestigious literary award, the Man Booker Prize has been won by the Australian writer Richard Flanagan. Vincent Doll has more details.

英国最享誉声望的文学奖布克奖被澳大利亚作家理查德·弗拉纳根[Richard Flanagan]获得。文森特·多尔[Vincent Doll]报道更详细的内容。

This was the year American authors became eligible for the Man Booker. In the event, however, Richard Flanagan has become the third Australian to take the prize. The Narrow Road to the Deep North has been much praised by critics. It's about a surgeon who, in World War II, is held in awful conditions in a Japanese prisoner of war camp during the building of the Burma railway. The author's own father was one of those who survived that experience. And Richard Flanagan finished writing the book just before his father died last year.

这是今年美国作家也有资格申请布克奖。然而,在颁奖中,理查德·弗拉纳根[Richard Flanagan]成为第三位荣获该奖项的澳大利亚人。《The Narrow Road to the Deep North》受到评论家的诸多好评。该作品是关于二战期间,一名外科医生沦为日本战俘营的一名囚犯,在恶劣的环境下修建了缅甸铁路。作者的父亲曾经亲身经历了这段残酷的历史。去年,作者完成作品后不久,他的父亲就去世了。

A European Championship football match between Serbia and Albania has been abandoned following a brawl involving players and fans. The referees stopped the match in the 41st minute after an Albanian flag was thrown around the stadium by a remote-controlled mini helicopter prompting a fight between the players. Riot police moved in for up to a dozen of Serbian fans then invaded the pitch.


BBC News.


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