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1 9093 分享 来源:必克英语 2015-01-09

Spiiker新闻万花筒, BBC视角,带您看世界,听八方,练听力。


BBC news with Jerry Smit.
In the US, the newly reelected speaker of the house of representatives John Boehner has said he wants President Obama to back republican part bills on energy and jobs to break the partisan divide. He was speaking as republicans took full control of both houses of congress for the frist time in 8 years by assuming control of the senate. The shift in the balance of power set the stage for a political struggle with the White House. From Washington, here's Barbara.

Republicans want to move quickly on issues such as energy, healthcare and tax reform. They are preparing for a vote by the end of the week on the construction of a controversial Keystone oil pipeline from Canada to the US. And though try to chip away Mr. Obama's healthcare legislation and the environment regulations. But the president has signalled he's willing to use his veto power to protect his signature policies. And he will try to explore potential areas of cooperation such as trade legislation. The republicans also want to show voters that they can govern responsibly ahead of the 2016 presidential election.

A former governor of the US state Virginia Robert McDonnell has been jailed for 2 years for corruption. Mr. McDonnell who was a repulican was found guilty in September of acceping bribes worth more than 165,000 dollars in return for promoting a dietary supplement. His wife Maureen was also convicted, sure be sentenced next month.

In Turkey, a female suicide bomber has attacked a police station in Istanbul, killing herself and a police officer. Other officer was injuried in the attack. Our Turkey correspondent Mark Lowen has more.

It all happended about 5 p.m. local time when a woman wearing a niqab trying to entre police station in Sultanahmet, the tourist heart of old Istanbul, when she detonated that the suicide vest was wearing. So far, and injuried 2 officers, one of whom has now died of his injuries. Suspision will fall on a shadowing left wing group called the revolutionary people's liberation front. Mark Lowen.

The international criminal court in the Hague says it's profoundly concerned about the violent death of a witness in the trial of Kenyan vice president William Ruto. The mutilated body of Meshack Yebei was found on Saturday in a river in western Kenya. Lawyers for Mr. Ruto said he's been a critical witness in the defense's case. The ICC spokesman Fadi Abdullah said Mr. Yebei appeared to breached the protective security measures prior to his death.

As we indicate in our statement that the legislate has afforded Mr. Yebei some security measures, including a safe residence and a new location with a safeguard and alarms. However, he appeares to have returned to Eldoret, prior to his abduction. And we hope that thorough investigation would reveal the reasons of this breach of the security measures.

World news from the BBC.
The US state deparment says the Cuba government has released some of 53 political prisoners on an America list. A spokeswoman said the government hopes to see the remain once release soon. She did not give the names of the prisoners who had been freed. Last month, president Obama signalled his restoration relations with Cuba when he ordered his administration to start reestablishing normal relations with the island.

The Nigerian defense ministry has acknowledged that a multinational military base on its border with Chad has fallen to Islamic extemists. The chief of defense * said only Nigerian troops were left in the base on the shores of Lake Chad. But it was seized by Boko Haram militants on Saturday as other African troops had already been withdrawn.

The multinational force was set up a year ago by contries bordering the lake to combat terrorism and armed trafficking.

The South Sudanese athlete Guor Marial says he's been suspended from his country's athlete federation in a dispute of a funding. Marial a marathon runner said the federation announced his suspension when he refused to hand over a training scholarship he had been awarded by the internaional Olympic committee. Marial competed under the Olympic flag at London 2012 games because South Sudan had no recognized national Olympic committee.

South Korea says North Korea has doubled the size of its cyber warfare units to 6,000. The defense ministry in Seoul said the North was using cyber attacks to bring Physical and Psychological paralysis to South Korea. It offered no evidence for the charge in a Defense White Paper. The US recently opposed sanctions on North Korea for the alleged hack of Sony Pictures.


1.dietary n. 规定的食物;饮食的规定;食谱 adj. 饮食的,饭食的,规定食物的

The doctor enforced a strict dietary regimen.

2.veto n. 否决权 vt. 否决;禁止 vi. 否决;禁止

The chairman has the right to veto any of the board's proposals.

3.abduction n. 诱拐,绑架;诱导

Armed robbery and abduction have been on the increase countrywide.

4.suspend vt. 延缓,推迟;使暂停;使悬浮 vi. 悬浮;禁赛

Julie was suspended from her job shortly after the incident.

5.breach n. 违背,违反;缺口 vt. 违反,破坏;打破

The newspaper breached the code of conduct on privacy.

6.restoration n. 恢复;复位;王政复辟;归还

The restoration to the castle took a year and cost a lot of money.


1.The ICC spokesman Fadi Abdullah said Mr. Yebei appeared to breached the protective security measures prior to his death.

prior to 在……之前;居先

Just phone in your order three or more days prior to departure.

The duty to protect my sister is prior to all others.

2.Suspision will fall on a shadowing left wing group called the revolutionary people's liberation front.

fall on 落到;指向

The responsibility fell upon me.

The bulk of the work will fall on you and me.

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