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1 5229 分享 来源:必克英语 2019-06-06


Words Storm 常见词汇

birthday party生日会  

dinner party晚宴  

family get-together 家庭聚会

farewell party告别宴会  

rave 锐舞聚会  

invite 邀请

break up分散  

sort out挑出,分类  

finish 结束

go on继续  

turn up出现  

ruin 破坏

gatecrash 未经邀请而擅自人场

fancy dress ball masquerade化妆舞会

surprise party惊喜聚会  

a stag night/a hen night告别单身男子/女子聚会

house warming party暖房聚会,庆祝乔迁之喜

Useful Expressions 常见句型

Hi, come on in. 嗨,快进来

You are the first one here, actually 事实上你是第一个到的

The music is awful. 音乐太糟糕了

Tum it down a bit, will you?Pleased to meet you. 你把音乐声音调小一点儿好吗?

Do you know anyone else here? 这儿的其他人你都认识吗?

Who else is supposed to be coming? 还有谁说过要来的。

Do you want to dance? 想跳舞吗?

The food is over there. 吃的东西在那边。

I feel like a fish out of water. 我觉得自己快要窒息了

Come on. The night is still young! 一起来嘛,也还很长呢!

Try this, it's delicious. 尝尝这个,味道很不错。

ShalI call you a taxi? 我帮你叫辆出租车吧?

I know my limit. 我知道自己的酒量。

The neighbours complained about the noise. 邻居们投诉噪音干扰了他们

The police turned up and ruined the party. 警察的出现把整个聚会都毁了

l'll bring some music if you sort out the food. 如果你挑吃的,我就带儿音乐来

How does that sound? 听起来怎么样?

We are having a rave on Friday night. Would you like to come along?


Remind me later. I must remember to invite Susan and Mike to the house-warming.


We had a lot of trouble with these guys who tried to gatecrash the party.





